First up - I actually dug out the ol' sewing machine and made a mask from my long-neglected quilting fabric stash after I found some elastic. Although I had forgotten how much I dislike sewing with anything stretchy!

And I've kept up with the Wonders of Space SAL, adding in the Crab Nebula (lower left):

And I've been continuing to make a few more magnets. This one is of the robot from Epbot that someone posted... somewhere? Crap, I'm not sure where I found it now! Maybe on the Friendly FOEs group on Facebook?

Next up, in my quest to use up all my small cuts of fabric, I did this little Halloween owl from one of the Just Cross Stitch Halloween issues. I changed out the border with a variegated floss instead of the one the pattern called for:

And finally, I did this cute little fairy cottage that I found on Etsy. The original was on 14-ct plastic canvas, but I decided to do it on fabric (see above about trying to use up small cuts of fabric). I'm also missing some little charms that I'll eventually get when I can comfortably browse the craft store or maybe order when we eventually get to a point that I won't feel guilty ordering something that is totally not a necessary item. And I haven't done a "before and after backstitching" in a while, so I did it with this one!

That's it for this round-up!
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