Other than the magnets below, this was my only FFO for the year (stitching finished in 2022) - it's probably going in my office at work.

Although it took me a whole year to post about it, I did finish "Autumn" from The Cricket Collection not too long into the new year (February), so it is hanging the closet with a bunch of other things waiting to be fully finished. Here's a photo of the completed stitching (click for larger version):

And I did Caterpillar Cross Stitch's "British Isles Sampler" stitch-along and mostly kept up with it month-by-month. Sorry that the color of the background fabric gets a little weird toward the left... I was trying to get it into some natural light for the photo but I couldn't quite get the whole thing in. It's also hanging in the closet waiting to be framed - maybe something to try to concentrate on in 2024! (click for larger version)

One little thing I did was "Moonlight Nessie" by Lola Crow Cross Stitch (purchased on Etsy). Since this one was on a very dark fabric it prompted me to finally buy a new magnifying lamp that was brighter and had more magnification than my old one. This one is also waiting to be fully finished (once I decide what I wante to do with it).

And finally, I started doing each month of Tiny Modernist's "Folk Calendar" on perforated paper to make magnets to put on the giant metal filing cabinets in my office. I back them with felt and then glue a ~1-inch long section of a strip magnet on them. Here are the four that I've finished (and fully finished!) so far:

And the new starts from this year that will finish 2023 as WIPS are:
"Spring" by The Cricket Collection - not much done here yet! The fabric has slightly more of a greenish tint than you can see in the photo.

"S'Mores Anyone?" by Lola Crow - this one benefitted from the new craft lamp! I stalled on it a little when I got to the part with the blended threads (not my favorite). But I expect to get back to this one in 2024 and hopefully finish it. (Wow, you can really see all the lint on that black fabric...)

And finally, I started "Hayride Happenings" by Blue Ribbon Designs when I was in the mood to stitch something autumnal after Halloween. But I didn't get a lot of stitching time for the rest of the month, so I didn't get too far.

Plans for 2024
To be honest, for the first few months of 2024, my goal will be to find some time for ANY stitching. I realize that a very busy and stressful time is exactly when I should try to find more time to stitch, but who knows if I'll manage to make it happen. If I do actually get any stitching done in early 2024, most likely I'll keep working on the Tiny Modernist "Folk Calendar" magnets since they are small and go fast, so I'll feel like I've actually accomplished something. After that - who knows? I think I'll just work on things that I feel like stitching on instead of trying to follow a plan. Maybe if things ever manage to slow down at work (HA!) I'll try WIPGO or something like that in the years to come.
I think that's about it for 2023 - Happy New Year!
Hi Lara - back in 2008, you documented your Texas Panorama cross-stitch project which turned out beautiful. By chance, would you still have that pattern? If so, would you be willing to sell it to me or sell me a copy? I have been looking for that pattern for several years and it just does not exist anymore which makes me sad. I really want to do this cross-stitch picture and hope you can help me. I live outside of Austin. Many thanks for your consideration of this request.
Hi Trishe,
Sorry I'm just now replying - I was traveling for work and I wanted to look around to confirm that I don't have the chart anymore. You're not the first person to ask about it and I've looked through my stash a few times for folks, but I don't seem to have the chart any more unfortunately. I may have put it in a de-stash after I moved a few years ago, which was dumb on my part since I know now that I should have put a lot of that stuff on eBay or something to sell instead!
Hi Lara - thank you for getting back to me - so sad to hear that you no longer have that pattern.
Let's move to Plan B :-)
Would you be willing to take a few close up pictures of it and send my way? Maybe I can try to recreate the pattern via one of those cross-stitching apps.
Many thanks!!! Really appreciate your help!
You can send the pics to: trisheara@gmail.com
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