I did actually do a little stitching last year after stumbling on the cross stitch subreddit and getting inspired to find a way to get more stitching time in to my schedule. And part of the reason that I haven't been stitching quite as much in recent years is that I've started to have trouble with my eyes, so I have to do it all with a magnifying lamp at my desk for now.
Of course I have a bunch of projects in progress that I could have been working on but I started a new project instead (see below):

For those unfamiliar, this is a reference to the IT Crowd show from the UK. :)
I did finish another of the Mill Hill musical Christmas ornaments, this time the drum. Three left to go! (previously finished - the harp and the mandolin)

And I finished the Haunted House that I mentioned here into a little pillow ornament. Although I was apparently *really* rusty since I didn't do a very good job on the stuffing and stitching to make it into a pillow!

That's it for recent stuff. Now let's see if I can post a little more before the end of 2019!
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