So, here is the completed Texas Panorama, although the mounting and framing still needs to be done. I have in mind the kind of frame that I want for it, but I need to write down some measurements and then catch a sale on frames.
I did a little Mill Hill beads snowflake ornament kit last weekend, but I haven't finished it yet (I'm thinking about doing a fabric backing on it), so no photos.
My next big project is a Heritage Stitchcraft kit that I bought a few years ago. It came with 14 ct. Aida, but I've switched it out with a 28 count evenweave (just a generic one from Michael's, I think). I actually started it over Christmas, but I'm going to wait until a bit more is done to post a picture.
I am in search of this pattern and the one called "Fiesta" both by Bev Haskins. Any ideas where I might find them.
I'm not sure what happened to my copy, but most likely it ended up in a pile that I sold to/donated to either Half Price Books, Goodwill, or Austin Creative Reuse. If you're in Texas, you might try some of those places (or something similar if you aren't in Austin). It's possible it has found its way to places like that from various Texas stitchers' stashes over the years. And I think you can set alerts on ebay? I don't use it much, but that might be helpful if one ever shows up there.
i'm in search of this pattern also. Please tell me if you find it.
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